What was Ian Somderhalder, Nina Dobrev, and Candice Accola saying Thursday night on the small screen?
We’re predators, not puppies. – Damon to Elena
You think she would have figured that out by now.
Take him out for martinis, feed him some chicken soup. Don’t let him kill anyone. – Damon
Sounds like a jam-packed day.
The world can’t stop just because you’re an accidental serial killer. – Damon
Shouldn’t it, Damon?
You know what they say, two’s company. Three’s a party. – Damon
More of The Vampire Diaries quotes under the jump.
Caroline and I had a talk.
Sounds like code for Caroline lectured you. – Bonnie
Please don’t tell me that you and Rebekah are friends.
Damon: Not unless you count hate sex.
Hope’s a bitch, Sage. Get over it while you can. – The Vampire Diaries Quotes Damon
I stole it from Nick who stole it from the Queen. Not sure which one. – Rebekah
And that’s why we love Rebekah.
Let’s go kill some originals. – Damon
No one is better off without their parents. – Caroline
It does have the ring of truth, doesn’t it?